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Do Welsh Corgis have tails? (4 Crucial Questions Answered)

Discover the Surprising Truth About Welsh Corgis and Their Tails – 4 Crucial Questions Answered!

Yes, Welsh Corgis typically have tails, although the length and shape can vary depending on the breed. Cardigan Welsh Corgis usually have short, fluffy tails, while Pembroke Welsh Corgis often have longer fur tufts. Some Welsh Corgis have had their tails docked to shorter lengths, and there are also rare natural bobtails and some Welsh Corgis that have no tail at all. However, most Welsh Corgis have a commonly stubby tail.


  1. What Are the Different Tail Lengths of Welsh Corgis?
  2. How Does the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s Tail Differ from the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s?
  3. Is It Rare for a Welsh Corgi to Have No Tail?
  4. Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

What Are the Different Tail Lengths of Welsh Corgis?

Welsh Corgis can have a variety of tail lengths, depending on the breed and genetics. The most common tail lengths are docked, natural bobtail, long-tailed, and short-tailed. Docked tails are the result of a procedure that removes part of the tail, while natural bobtails are a result of genetics. Long-tailed Welsh Corgis have tails that reach the hock, while short-tailed Welsh Corgis have tails that are shorter than the hock. Breeding for different tail lengths is possible, but it is important to consider the health implications of docked tails on a dog’s spine. The American Kennel Club (AKC) has a standard for the breed regarding tail length, and this varies between the Pembroke and Cardigan varieties of the breed. Tail characteristics can also be an indicator of health issues with a particular dog. To identify a long or short tailed corgi puppy, it is important to look at the length of the tail and the shape of the tail. Proper care should be taken when dealing with docked tails, as this can affect the health of the dog.

How Does the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s Tail Differ from the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s?

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi has a longer tail than the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, which is typically docked. Cardigans may also have a natural bobtail, which is not seen in Pembrokes. The tail length and shape can vary among individuals, but the tail is a distinctive feature of the breed and can be used to identify the two breeds. Cardigans have a longer, bushier coat, while Pembrokes have a shorter, sleeker coat, giving them a more streamlined look. The tail carriage can also be used to identify the two breeds, as Cardigans have a more fluffy appearance while Pembrokes have a more streamlined look. Docking of tails is illegal in some countries.

Is It Rare for a Welsh Corgi to Have No Tail?

Yes, it is rare for a Welsh Corgi to have no tail. This is due to a natural bobtail in the breed, as well as a genetic mutation that can cause a lack of tail. Some breeders have also been known to breed for taillessness in the breed, although this is not recommended due to potential health implications. Showing tailless dogs at dog shows is allowed in some countries, but the tail-docking procedure and its risks should be discussed with a veterinarian before proceeding. Different countries have different laws regarding the legality of docking tails, and breed standards for showing tailless dogs may vary. The Welsh Corgi breed has a long history and origin, and there are two varieties of the breed: the Cardigan and the Pembroke.

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

  1. Mistake: Welsh Corgis have long tails.

    Explanation: Welsh Corgis typically have short, stubby tails that are usually no longer than a few inches in length.
  2. Misconception: All Welsh Corgis have the same tail shape and size.

    Explanation: While most Welsh Corgis do share similar tail shapes and sizes, there is some variation between individual dogs. Some may have slightly longer or shorter tails than others, while some may even be born with naturally bobbed tails or no tail at all.